
Market Slowdown, Team Downsized, Now What?
Market slowdown, recession, need to downsize the team to meet profit targets. But…the work that needs to be done isn’t downsized. Sound familiar? When a market downturn hits, this becomes the standard playbook as companies try to meet their profit expectations by downsizing their teams and basically riding out a downturn. The problem is in…

5 Signs You Need Talent On Demand
Talent on demand offers businesses the ability to be agile – to put together the team they need to face challenges that require specialized knowledge, to add resources during the weeks or months leading up to a product launch, to explore new opportunities without committing an inordinate amount of resources before the time is right….
Speed, Flexibility Are Keys to Success for the New Corporate Strategy Department
Today’s corporate strategy department is always on the lookout for potential game-changers, and has to be prepared to move quickly to outflank competitors, both traditional and disruptive. Otherwise, their business will lose competitive edge and market share. These groups are expected to lead a company’s growth through innovation and competitive expansion, a tough proposition in…
The Cost of a Bad Hire in Analytics: $99,000
I have been amazed lately by how many of “the usual suspects” keep getting hired in important analytics roles around the country. It bothers me because I have seen the harm and the cost that hiring these folks caused past employers. Who are “the usual suspects?” Analytics professionals that have all of the right words…
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