
10 Ways Independent Consultants Can Transform Your Marketing Model
We’re in a new age of marketing. While many principles remain the same – the four P’s (product, price, place and promotion) are still very relevant – marketing planning and execution have become much more dynamic. That’s because technology, social media and analytics have shaken up traditional marketing methods. In our faster-paced, customer- and data-driven world,…

4 Ways Talent on Demand Can Make Marketing More Agile
With competition as fierce as it is today, marketing organizations have to be nimble. But that’s not easy. Almost as soon as you get your arms around one marketing strategy – social, SEO, content marketing – it’s disrupted by another: data-driven approaches, for example, or the reactionary trend of “newsjacking.” Who wins in this kind…

Why Hiring Managers Should Favor Drive Over Intelligence
When choosing between several highly desirable candidates, hiring managers face a complicated decision, and have to weigh a variety of factors to determine which one offers the most potential. Do they choose the Harvard graduate who spent his early career at McKinsey? Or should they pick the candidate with the infectious personality and can-do attitude,…
How to Tell If An Executive On-Demand Will Fit Your Culture
Because an executive on-demand’s role is temporary, you may not think that cultural fit would be an important consideration when choosing the right candidate. But it is. That may seem counter-intuitive, but think about it: An executive on-demand is joining your firm to perform a defined task. How effectively they work toward their goals will…
5 Steps to Finding and Hiring the Right Data Scientists
The first step in hiring the right data scientist is being sure your organization is ready for one. While companies talk about “big data” and “analytics” almost as if they were silver bullets, the field is still new enough that some underuse their analytics staff by having them focus on compiling reports rather than putting…
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